Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Mommy Proof #28: "If you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all."-Thumper, "Bambi" (1942)

Thoughtless Things People Say to Stay at Home Moms:

 1. "Don't you get bored?" During the course of a day, I do at least two loads of laundry, prepare breakfast and lunch, prepare numerous snacks, teach and play with a toddler, clean the house, pick up after a toddler, do the dishes, get the kids ready for school, run errands, change at least 8 diapers, pick up three kids, entertain them, referee them, help with homework, prepare and cook dinner, give four baths, etc. Nope. I don't have time for boredom.

 2. "I would love to sit around doing nothing all day." Yeah.....................Okay. Look at the response to number 1.

 3. "What do you do all day?" Yeah........................Okay. Look at the response to number 1.

 4. "Don't you want a real job?" Motherhood isn't a job. It's your life.

 5. "Didn't you go to college?" I did. It wasn't challenging enough. O_o

 6. "That would be my worst nightmare." Then, you must have some really lame dreams.

 7. "I brought you the help wanted ads." Thanks. I've been needing a nurse, chef, maid, wet nurse, chauffeur, nanny, psychiatrist, assistant, repair woman, teacher...clone. :-/

 8. " are JUST a mom." Do I need to be more.

 9. "You've never wanted to do something with your life." Nope. Never. This is it. Poor me, right?

10. "Yeah, you have too many kids to work." Yes, because raising four kids isn't work. I love being on vacation every day. During last week's vacation, I cleaned up after four kids that were sick with a stomach virus, while nursing a sick toddler, while sick myself.

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