Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Disinfect your screen now...

Mommy Proof #17: Tis the season for ye old sick kids....Cough-a, cough-a, cough, and sneeze, sneeze, sneeze!

Since the beginning of October, we have had these illnesses: Sinus infections (3 to be exact), colds, (3 that turned into sinus infections), stomach virus (1! It didn't turn into three more, SCORE!), flu like symptoms (2), bronchitis (1), ear infections (1...2, if you count that it was a double), and fevers (2 104 degree temperatures, 3 low grade temperatures). If you did a math equation, it would not be pretty. If I don't see another snotty nose or cough-interrupted sleep, I wouldn't mind. I am tired. Someone or every one was sick for every week in the last two months. Someone was teething. Someone else was coughing. Someone else was irritable.

However, we made it through the worst of the ordeal with the help of immunizations, vitamins, antibacterial gel, and disinfectant. We ended November intact and healthy, until the worst possible thing happened.....I got sick. I'm not talking about the sniffles or a little cough. I am talking about every single virus, disease, and germ that I affectionately nursed the children  through. The only problem is there is no one there to nurse me. I have to get my own tissues and administer my own medicine. I warm my own tea and heating pads.

I am sick. Does anyone hear my cries? Does anyone care about my needs? Who is going to make my soup? Where is my mommy? As I lay in my bed wallowing in self-pity, my three oldest children came to cuddle with me and ask me repeatedly if I was still sick, still tried, or feeling better. (The baby came in with them, but it ended less of a cuddle session and more of a nursing extravaganza.) They brought me bottles of water and argued with each other which I have had decided was for my entertainment. I raised my head from my pillow to be presented with breakfast in bed. My husband also brought me lunch and dinner. He went grocery shopping. He rubbed my back and asked me what I needed. They took care of me, because they love me as I love them.

I still want my mommy.

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