Tuesday, January 8, 2013


As much as I wanted to keep my children free from the burden of scary news, I knew that I would have to let them know more than I wanted them to know about the tragedy that occurred at Sandy Hook Elementary School. And tell them I did, in a long run on sentence like the one I prior to this one. I made a vow to myself: Only tell them the information they are able to handle emotionally.  I didn't want to tell them anything. But we live in a day and age of breaking news breaking before it is a complete story.

As the news trickled in through pictures of family members in complete despair and incomplete details, I knew that this would forever alter how I felt as my children were in school. I will never look at their teachers quite the same way. Their teachers are an extension of myself. They are not just their teachers. They are their cheerleaders, counselors, protectors. When they are in their care, I would love to believe that they love them as we do, even for just that time. That if ever there is an emergency, our children's safety is their main concern. I am uncomfortably content with that knowledge.

There are times when you will not be able to explain why the actions of others, why this world is the way it is, or if it will ever make sense. The truth is that, at times, it won't make any sense. Some times the world is scary, but I don't want that to be their focus. So whenever there is a time that they are hurt or scared, it will be okay. It is okay to tell Mrs. H., Mrs. B., or Mrs. G. Principal P. is there just for you. They are extensions of me and Daddy. You are never alone. I may not always physically be there, But I made a vow to them that day:

1. I will always be thinking about them.
2. I will always love them.
3. I will always come for them.

.....No matter what, whether they are scared or in trouble or having a horrible day, I will always be there. I will always send them off with a hug and kiss. It won't matter if we are running later than late or we had a bad morning. I told them, "If ever you are afraid or hurt or upset, just remember the way you feel when I hold you in my arms." That is my Mommy Proof #20. For them that was enough to conquer their fears. It was just enough to help them sleep peacefully. Me on the other hand,.......

In loving memory of the Sandy Hook victims.

1 comment:

  1. I love it! So hard to be a parent but great to let them know they don't have to be alone.

    Great post!
