Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Things NON-Crunchy moms think and sometimes may say....

Mommy Proof #25: It doesn't matter what you do or how you do it, someone will have something to think.....or say......

1. You are what type of parent?

2.  You spent how much for ONE diaper?

3.  That piece of fabric you wrapped your baby up in cost how much?

4.  I think vaccines are awesome. I love the feeling of knowing that small pox was almost eradicated.

5.  I still think strollers are great. I baby wear, but there is nothing like free-wheeling a toddler in a jogging stroller while running up a hill. Can't do that with a baby sling.

6. When it is raining outside, I am not standing beside my van trying to tie a sleeping baby to my torso. As my 8 year old said, "Why don't you just put a blanket over the carrier and put him in the back of the cart?" Bravo, little genius, Bravo.

7. Once my toddler can unhook my nursing bra and say "mammary glands," the thrill is gone.

8.  I will never drink raw milk. Pasteurizing is an amazing process.

9.  Raw foods diet what?

10. I have had a natural childbirth without medication. My vagina suffers from PTSD.

11. Cloth diapering is a little too involved....

12. I don't want a "family bed." I want their bed and my bed. They are welcome into my bed as needed, but we aren't roommates.

13.  Attachment parenting ended when they cut the umbilical cord. We are no longer attached.

14. Family cloth who?

15. People actually attachment parent/water birth/natural childbirth/baby wear/cloth diaper/breast feed toddlers?????

16. Is he still  nursing? At 18 months? Is there still milk in those?

17. You mean you cloth diaper. You mean you have poop in your washing machine?????

18. You ate your placenta? Where they do that at?????

19. What is elimination communication?

20. So you share a bed with your toddler, 9 month old, and a 6 year old? When do you and your husband....DO IT?

For the record: I am NOT a crunchy mom. I do not cloth diaper (although I did think about it for twenty minutes), family cloth, eat my placenta, or drink unpasteurized milk. I DO co-sleep, still breast feed my 18 month old (although we are trying to wean....by we, I mean, I), use a stroller, baby wear, and gave birth without medication. And, yes, my vagina does suffer from PTSD. I don't care if you are or aren't a "crunchy" mom. We all do the best we can with the information we receive.

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